Mario Henjak, President of the Management Board of Gorenjska banka
Year Ahead 2024
We strive to be different and the first choice of clients, wherever and whenever
04. prosinac 2023, 10:24
Ukratko iz svijeta - pred sam kraj mandata Biden zaoštrava izvoz AI čipova?
Ostalo je još samo 11 dana do ponovnog useljenja novoizabranog američkog predsjednika Donalda Trumpa u Bijelu kuću.
prije 1 sat
Koji su plusevi i minusa dizanja minimalca? - Pet stvari koje morate znati
Osjetno dizanje minimalne plaće u Federaciji BiH nagnalo nas je da provjerimo koji su plusevi i minusi takvog poteza.
prije 2 sata
Gdje je hrvatski minimalac u odnosu na regiju i zašto je opasan eksperiment u FBiH
Odnos minimalne plaće i prosječne plaće u Hrvatskoj je sličan kao u Sloveniji, Poljskoj, Mađarskoj i Slovačkoj
prije 2 sata
Intercapital podigao preporuku za dionicu Končara
Analitičari domaće brokerske kuće preporučuju kupnju Končareve dionice, a ciljana cijena je 570 eura.
prije 18 sati
Year Ahead 2024
New chapter of Fortenova Group’s operations to open in 2024
The Group shall continue to pursue and strengthen its ESG initiatives. Given everything that we have been through, we have only gained more knowledge and capabilities for another sequel next year
Anticipating business recovery in the coming year
Uroš Ivanc, the Board Memeber, Zavarovalnica Triglav on plans, challenges and key strategic guidelines for 2024.
The UNIQA Group has invested over 300 milion € worth of financing for sustainable infrastructure projects and renewable energy technologies
Our first regional activity is our exclusive sponsorship of the Sarajevo Film Festival, which helped us explore our options when it comes to cultural investments in the region. We are also very proud of our cooperation with Goran Ivanisević, our first regional brand ambassador
The implementation of a comprehensive AI solution will integrate into the Bizmatch platform
Our plan is to expand our presence in Slovenia, and we aim to offer our services and the Bizmatch platform in a broader region. The final goal is not to limit ourselves to any region.
Energy world in Europe in 2024 will be marked with acceleration of existing trends where the transformation of the energy system is inevitable
The company is attracting and retaining top talents by offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, ensuring that employees are rewarded for their skills and contributions
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